Let’s chat.
Fill out the form below to get more information via email or an introductory call (the fastest, easiest way for me to give you lots of information and for you to know if we’ll be a good fit). And check out the FAQs at the bottom of this page for answers to some common questions. I’m so excited to get to know you and your family!
To book your session you’ll pay a $300 session fee. This does not include any images, but covers my time preparing, shooting, and editing your session. After you have seen your images, you’ll purchase one of three image collections. Each collection includes a number of digital images AND an amount of print credit to use in your gallery store. Collections start at $700.
Kids will be kids, for sure. And I know that every kid is different and reacts to photos in their own way. I really try to meet kids where they are and I’ve got lots of tricks to draw kids out or to let them have space, all while capturing beautiful images of who they are right now. The most important thing you can do to ensure that we get great images is to let them do whatever they are doing and just look at them lovingly. Play with them, joke with them, hug them, hold them, and let them BE.
You are investing in these photos and I want you to love them. If you or your child is sick, we’ll definitely reschedule for a time when everyone can be healthy and happy. If the forecast calls for rain (or smoke) I’ll check in with you to see if we can find another date. Cloudy days can still make great images, but it’s usually my preference to reschedule or relocate if the forecast calls for rain. Of course, scheduling your session for less-rainy months is always a good idea, because in the fall my schedule has less wiggle room.
Your gallery store has lots of options depending on what your needs are. I know that not everyone has space on their walls for framed prints, so there are a variety of options from loose prints on special paper with hand-torn edges to archival albums that can be looked through over and over again for generations. My goal with this print credit is for everyone to take away something tangible from their photo session instead of having images sit on a hard drive and not getting used.